Relaxed family vacation

"Honey, don't we want to fly to the Maldives?"

What a fantastic idea! Only the thought of travelling by plane can cause great discomfort, nausea or panic. Stress, which prevents you from experiencing a beautiful journey. Often there seems to be no concrete reason for this fear. Or you have already had a particularly unpleasant experience and have not boarded a plane since then?

Fear is a vital emotion. It accompanies us all our lives. It is a natural protective function. It allows us to perform at our best in a very focused way. But when fear leads us to avoid certain situations, it restricts us and sometimes the people around us.  Some fears are superfluous! Therefore I offer you to see what the trigger is and then dissolve the fear-triggering pattern.

Also children can be affected by fear of flying. Children are confronted with fears too. Fears are an important part of a child's development. However, should these lead to avoidance behavior, panic or other anxiety symptoms, it makes sense to take a closer look.

Here, too, it is worth researching the trigger.

Fly away from your fear

Your family wishes you a long-distance trip by plane and you notice how the thought of the upcoming flight is already stressing you. Or is your child worried about the flight?

Give me a call and we will see if WingWave coaching is helpful.

You can get through to me: 0176 83670662